

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Stacy's Death! (Part 1)

Gwendolyne Stacy (Gwen)
Gwen Stacy was held on a bridge by the Green Goblin, who saw her and her children as a threat to his potential heirs. Spider-Man arrived to fight the Green Goblin, but Spider-Man was sick and not performing as well as usual. When the Green Goblin pushed Gwen Stacy off the bridge, Spider-Man caught her by a leg with a string of web. Unfortunately the sudden stop in midair snapped Gwen's neck, killing her. Spider-Man initially thought he had saved her, but when he pulled Gwen back up onto the bridge, he realized that she had died. In anger, Spider-Man almost killed the Green Goblin in retaliation, but chose not to do so in the end. The Green Goblin still seemingly died anyway when he was impaled by his own Goblin Glider in an attempt to kill Spider-Man (the Green Goblin was later discovered to have survived).

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